Updating an Employee

Updating an Employee

Credential Verification Service offers companies two options for updating employees. This FAQ will detail the benefits of each, but please do reach out to your Technical Support Representative with any questions you may have about the employee creation process.

Manually Update an Employee

One of the ways that a company may update an employee is via manual creation. To manually update an employee, follow the instructions detailed below. 
  1. After logging into your Company Admin account, navigate to the Employees page via the Employees tab in the top, dark gray navigation bar
  2. On the Employees page, click the name of the employee to be updated
  3. On the users page, click Edit Employee from the top, light gray navigation bar
  4. On the Edit Employee page, you may edit the following:
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Role
    4. Date of Deactivation
    5. Password
    6. Employee ID Number
    7. Company
    8. Division
    9. Title
    10. Date of Hire
    11. Date of Termination
    12. Date of Birth
    13. Network
    14. Security Pin Code
    15. Availability Code
    16. Email Address
    17. Photo
    18. Emergency Information
In most instances, Credential Verification Services does not recommend that you edit an Employee ID Number. This is especially important if you have already printed ID cards as the employee ID number is mapped to the QR code. The result will be a non-functional QR code. 

Bulk Updating Employees

Credential Verification Service understands that many of our customers may be updating significant numbers of employees into our system. As a result, we are proud to offer each company the ability to bulk update employees using the Import feature. 

To update employees, follow the instructions detailed below:
  1. After logging into your Company Admin account, navigate to the Company page via the Company tab in the top, dark gray navigation bar
  2. Once on the Company page, click the Import button in the top, light gray navigation bar
  3. To update employees, you will be uploading a CSV of your employee data to the Employees File
    1. CVS offers a Sample Employees Spreadsheet Template that each company may download and use to format their data 
      1. This spreadsheet must include the following: 
        1. First Name
        2. Last Name
        3. Employee ID Number
  4. To upload your CSV of employees, click Choose File
  5. After clicking Choose File, select your CSV from the file explorer box
    1. If you've successfully chosen a file from the file explorer, the name of the file will appear next to the Choose File button
  6. Select Update from the Action (Req'd) options
Bulk updating employees allows you to bulk upload and match photos of the employees at the same time you are creating the employee in the CVS portal. To upload photos, follow the instructions below: 
  1. In the Sample Employees Spreadsheet Template, type the specific file name associated with each employee's image in the Photo File Name field
  2. At the bottom of the Import page, in the Attachment Uploads section, click Choose Files
  3. Select a photo file for each employee from the file explorer box
    1. Your files will appear below the Choose File button
  4. Once all files are added, select Start Upload (all) to upload your photos
Once you have completed each of the above steps, you may click the dark gray Submit button. You will be taken to the Import Preview page to verify the data being uploaded. If no data is outlined in red, and if everything looks correct, you may click the dark gray Submit button again to finish your upload. 

A green progress bar will appear each time you upload information, including when you upload attachments. Once the green progress bar is filled, text will appear above the bar confirming that your upload has been completed. You may now go to the Employees page to see your newly updated employees.

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