Configuring Your Company Settings

Configuring Your Company Settings

Credential Verification Service offers companies using our services a variety of settings that may be accessed via the Company page of your CVS portal. Each setting may be toggled on or off depending on your specific organizational needs. 

General Settings

The General Settings alter the performance of both your CVS portal as well as your Employee ID cards. In general, CVS staff will set up your company account with these settings adjusted to best meet the needs of your organization; however, you may also change these settings if your needs evolve in the future. 
The settings that can be changed in this field are:
  1. Require Credential Acquire Date
  2. Show Custom Fields on Credential Expiration Report
  3. Allow Future Acquire Date
  4. Require Qualification Acquire Date
  5. Upload Credential Images
  6. Manually Verify Credentials
  7. Show Employee Photo
  8. Show Hire Date
  9. Show Birth Date
  10. Show Employee Title
  11. Show Employee ID Number
  12. Show Division
  13. Show Address Fields
  14. Equipment Check-in Service

Edit Your General Settings

To edit these settings, you will need to be logged in to your CVS company admin account. Once you are logged in, follow the below instructions to edit your company's General Settings. 
  1. Click Company from the top, dark gray navigation bar
  2. On the Company page, click the Edit Company button on the top, light gray navigation bar
  3. On the Edit Company page, scroll to the General Settings and click the check mark to deactivate a setting 
    1. If you would like to activate a setting, ensure that there is a check mark in the box preceding the setting description

Document Settings

Document Settings allow you to configure the way in which documents can be named. In general, CVS recommends that you set all of these to select from list or free text entry, but there may be limited cases when you would like to only allow the selection of a credential, qualification, employee title, or issuing authority name from an approved list. 

Only Select from Approved List

The Select from List option allows you to only select credentials, qualifications, employee titles, or issuing authorities from a predefined list. You may define your list by uploading standard names to the CVS portal. If you select this option, free text entry will not be available and you will only be able to select from your predefined list.

Credential Standard Names

To designate standard names for your credentials, follow the below instructions:
  1. Click Credentials from the top, dark gray navigation bar
  2. On the Credentials page, click Manage Credential Names
  3. On the Standard Names - Credentials page, you may opt to either:
    1. Create a single standard name by clicking New Standard Name
    2. Create multiple standard names by clicking Import

Qualification Standard Names

To designate standard names for your qualifications, follow the below instructions:
  1. Click Qualifications from the top, dark gray navigation bar
  2. On the Qualifications page, click Manage Qualification Names
  3. On the Standard Names - Qualifications page, you may opt to either: 
    1. Create a single standard name by clicking New Standard Name
    2. Create multiple standard names by clicking Import

Employee Title Names

To designate standard names for your employee titles, follow the below instructions:
  1. Click Employees from the top, dark gray navigation bar
  2. On the Employees page, click Employee Titles
  3. On the Standard Names - Employee Titles page, you may opt to either: 
    1. Create a single standard name by clicking New Standard Name
    2. Create multiple standard names by clicking Import

Issuing Authority Names

To designate standard issuing authority names, you may click Issuing Authorities from the small, gray navigation buttons on any of the pages described above. The Issuing Authorities button will take you to the Standard Names - Issuing Authority page where you may opt to either: 
  1. Create a single standard name by clicking New Standard Name
  2. Create multiple standard names by clicking Import

Free Text Entry

Unlike the Only Select from Approved List option, the Free Text Entry option allows you to enter any text regardless of whether it is a standard option or not; however, the drop-down menu of standard names will not appear when you are adding credentials to employees. 

Select from List or Free Text Entry

This option provides companies the most flexibility when it comes to uploading credentials, qualifications, employee titles, and/or issuing authority names. Given the flexibility of this option, and the company's ability to either use free text entry or select from a standard list, CVS recommends that your document settings are always set to this option.

Display Settings

Display Settings allow you to choose how information is displayed in your CVS portal. These settings apply to the way information, such as employees, are sorted within the portal and may be updated by choosing an option from the drop-down menu. 
Upon initial set-up, your company Display Settings will be set to the following:
  1. Employees - Last Name Ascending
  2. Credentials on Employees Page - Name Ascending
  3. Qualifications on Employees Page - Name Ascending
  4. Display Employee Names - First Name Last Name
  5. Display Date Format - US Standard MM/DD/YYY

Notification Settings

Notification Settings allows company administrators to send a monthly email of upcoming expiring credentials. To activate this setting, click the checkbox next to Send monthly email of upcoming expiring credentials and enter the email address of the individual you would like to receive the report. You may also select what day you would like the report to send by selecting a day from the Day Number drop-down menu.

Need Help?

As always, if you have any questions about the configuration of settings or need assistance configuring your settings to best suit your company, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at A member of our team will reach out within 24 hours Monday through Friday.

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